Monday 30 May 2011

Final Day Shooting!


Show 2

Today, Ashton and I came into college earlier than everybody else to fix some of the problems which we were having during filming with the set, such as the curtains. The curtains were the main problem as they were falling down quite frequently which was a massive problem. Although when we got to college we found out that somebody already fixed this problem, as they has used rope and tied the curtains onto a pole which was hanging from the ceiling. Therefore all what had to be fixed was the drape which was on the hosts' table, I fixed this by placing more gaffa tape onto the back of it which would then stick onto the white material on the table. After these problems had been sorted it was ready rehearse show two.

This time the set wasn't the problem whilst filming, it was the communication. There were mixed messages between the studio and control room which led to problems and a very frustrated producer. Although my role in the show was successful as I was doing the lights, which I thought went well. After I had faded out the lights it was the end of shooting Lights, Camera, Action!
Therefore It was time to take all the set down, which people helped with.

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