Wednesday 6 April 2011

Our Quiz Show So Far..


We were given the Multi Camera Techniques brief and my group split up into two, so that we could all come up with ideas on what to do for making our own multi camera techniques show.

24/3/11 - 29/3/11

After a group discussion, both groups which were originally going to be separate, decided that it would be best if we all worked together as this would be much easier to create. We all decided that we were going to do a game show which would have to parts to the show e.g. episode 1 & 2. Job roles were given out for both shows which will feature in our quiz, I am going to do the lighting for show 2.

We used the whiteboard to generate ideas and we came up with several ideas for what games could be in the show. Although things began to get complicated, so we changed our idea from a game show to a guessing quiz show. This would consist of purely guessing questions.

A floor plan was also produced which shows where the camera's will be, the host, the contestants and the tables.


After talking as a group we changed the idea from being a guessing quiz show to a movie quiz show. The producer thought considering we are media students, we should do a quiz about media such as movies and theatres. So we chose to do movies instead.

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