Monday 30 May 2011

Finishing Touches

Whilst the directors and co were doing the post-production of both of the game shows which we filmed, I was doing the finishing touches of some of the pre-production paperwork. Ashton, Chantelle and I was doing some of the paperwork which involved the set and props which was completed by the end of the day successfully.

Final Day Shooting!


Show 2

Today, Ashton and I came into college earlier than everybody else to fix some of the problems which we were having during filming with the set, such as the curtains. The curtains were the main problem as they were falling down quite frequently which was a massive problem. Although when we got to college we found out that somebody already fixed this problem, as they has used rope and tied the curtains onto a pole which was hanging from the ceiling. Therefore all what had to be fixed was the drape which was on the hosts' table, I fixed this by placing more gaffa tape onto the back of it which would then stick onto the white material on the table. After these problems had been sorted it was ready rehearse show two.

This time the set wasn't the problem whilst filming, it was the communication. There were mixed messages between the studio and control room which led to problems and a very frustrated producer. Although my role in the show was successful as I was doing the lights, which I thought went well. After I had faded out the lights it was the end of shooting Lights, Camera, Action!
Therefore It was time to take all the set down, which people helped with.



Show 1

Whilst filming we ran into a few problems with the set as the curtains and the drape on the hosts' table kept falling down. Therefore we had to use even more gaffa tape to try and stop this problem, in the end with the drapes I decided that we shouldn't use them for this show due to this problem.

However, filming the game show went reasonably well although there were some problems. At the last minute I had to become the Floor Manager which was not a problem as I previously never had a role for show one. Some other problems whilst filming was that the host was getting a bit mixed up and also the autocue went off. Although I believed we overcame these problems and day one shooting was successful.

Setting Up!


Today everyone helped me and Ashton help set up for the game show. This took a little while as the curtains was quite tricky to put up as someone forgot to bring the fishing wire, so we had to use gaffa tape. I believe the set looks nearly identical to what I had planned it to look like which made the set look professional.

Contestants Tables

Hosts Table

The Finished Set


Before filming we had quite a few rehearsals to make sure we wouldn't run into problems. Everybody seemed to know what to do including the presenters and camera people.

Tuesday 26 April 2011



Today we had a group meeting to discuss what people had done as part of their homework in their holidays, it appeared that only a few members os the group had done anything. This included me and the other set designers, as I had to bring in the Popcorn and Camera which I had made into College today. Therefore the other members of the group have to produce their bits of work this week which should of been done previously, such as the script and questions. 

The set people, including me, had to go down to security in the College and ask about using their security bars as part of our set design. They told us to write an email and get our tutor to send it, so we came back upstairs and wrote a draft email which we then gave to our tutor.

Friday 15 April 2011

Arts & Craft!

During the first few days of the Easter Holidays I went into an arts shop and Homebase to get the necessarily materials that I needed.

Such as;
Pink Paint
Black Paint
Paint Brushes
A2 Paper
Tissue Paper
Card Paper
Several Cardboard Boxes
2x CD/DVD's

This is a Popcorn design which I made, which will go on one of the curtains behind one of the teams tables. I placed a DVD next to it, so that you can see the size of the Popcorn.

To make this I had to stick two A2 sheets of paper together and count the diameter's going across so I would get accurate diagonal sides.Once I did that, I was able to paint some sections pink. When that was dry I went over the lines with a marker pen and placed 'Popcorn' in tissue paper on. For the actual popcorn, I had to scrunch up yellow tissue paper ad glue them downh

This is a Movie Camera. 

 To make this Movie Camera, I firstly painted a small cardboard box black. When this was drying I moved onto making the lenses by using card paper and tissue paper. I made a small card box and placed a big black tissue paper inside it, to look like the lens. I painted two DVD's for the reels of the camera, which I then placed into a slot on top of the painted cardboard box.


This is a big question mark which I used out of left over material. This question mark could go on the front of the main Presenter table.

Set Design!


Now that the group had agreed on the ideas which were on the Mood Board which we created, I was able to produce a Set Design.

I also came up with an idea for the buzzers, as I thought we could make novelty buzzers. Such as cover the buzzer with movie related items, such as popcorn and a film reel.

Mood Board!


Before generating any ideas further for designing the set, Ashton and I were suggested to make a mood board. We thought this was a very useful thing to do before continuing on producing a set design. Therefore we went onto the Internet separately and found images which involved our theme of Movies. Chantelle and Amin also helped us. We all then printed them off and stuck them onto some A1 paper, which then I wrote the reasons why we chose these images and how they could be involved with our quiz. We then presented our completed Mood Board to the group.

Take 2!

Our New Show...

Lights, Camera, Action Question!


After changing the idea of our show again, we began to discuss what would be in our Movie quiz although everybody will be keeping their old roles. However me and Ashton are Set Designers for the show, and everybody today was discussing how the set could be designed. Everyone agreed that we need either red curtains or red material to make the studio look like a Movie Theatre.

The group produced some other ideas and a basic draft of a set design was created, as you can see from this image above.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Our Quiz Show So Far..


We were given the Multi Camera Techniques brief and my group split up into two, so that we could all come up with ideas on what to do for making our own multi camera techniques show.

24/3/11 - 29/3/11

After a group discussion, both groups which were originally going to be separate, decided that it would be best if we all worked together as this would be much easier to create. We all decided that we were going to do a game show which would have to parts to the show e.g. episode 1 & 2. Job roles were given out for both shows which will feature in our quiz, I am going to do the lighting for show 2.

We used the whiteboard to generate ideas and we came up with several ideas for what games could be in the show. Although things began to get complicated, so we changed our idea from a game show to a guessing quiz show. This would consist of purely guessing questions.

A floor plan was also produced which shows where the camera's will be, the host, the contestants and the tables.


After talking as a group we changed the idea from being a guessing quiz show to a movie quiz show. The producer thought considering we are media students, we should do a quiz about media such as movies and theatres. So we chose to do movies instead.



Today I got told that me and my group were going to make a Mastermind show, therefore we as a group had to discuss job roles. We came up with a list of roles which people would like to do for the show on the whiteboard.


Again we came up with a job role list which we will be using to continue to do the show. My job roles are to be a co-script writer as well as a researcher, so I began to write the script with another member of the group.


Today we had a practice run through of Mastermind after the cameras were set up, which was successful. So I began to research questions for the rounds of the game which are general knowledge and the contestants chosen subject. I am researching for Corey; therefore his chosen subject is Aston Villa Football Club. There will be ten questions for each round.


We had two more practice run through of our Mastermind show, which again was successful which meant we could proceed on doing the show live. However there was a problem before we started to film, as one of the other researches hadn't done ten general knowledge questions for one of the contestants. So I and a few others had to come up with ten questions within a few minutes. Once we had completed this we were all set to start filming. For the show I was a runner helping everybody out, as my job roles which were given to me at the start was more to do with beforehand.

In my opinion I believe my group's Mastermind show was quite successful.